May 2024 Review: The Explosion PPV Delivers in Spectacular Fashion

May was a monumental month for Intense International Wrestling (IIW) as the returning PPV, Explosion, captivated fans with thrilling matches, shocking returns, and unforgettable moments. The stakes were high, and the competitors delivered in every sense, making May 2024 a month to remember in the IIW universe.

Explosion PPV Highlights
International Title Battle Royal:
In a fierce battle royal, Trent Darby emerged victorious, becoming the first IIW International Champion of Season 4. Darby's triumph marked a significant milestone, setting the stage for his future in the company.

Hall of Famer Benz's TV Title Attempt:
IIW Hall of Famer Benz made a surprise appearance, attempting to claim the TV Championship and restore its original prestige after Jack Me Hoff's controversial renaming to the Brazzers Title. However, Benz's efforts were quickly thwarted, and he was unceremoniously sent packing, unable to reclaim the title.

TJ Alexander vs. Jack Tyde:
TJ Alexander aimed to end the torment inflicted by Jack Tyde, securing a decisive victory in their match. Despite this win, the rivalry appears far from over, promising more intense encounters in the future.

Andre Cash vs. Hellbreaker:
Andre Cash solidified his place in the IIW hierarchy by triumphing over Hellbreaker in their heated feud. This victory is a significant step for Cash as he aims to climb higher up the roster.

Jack Me Hoff vs. Gemini:
In a battle filled with mind games and dark promises, Jack Me Hoff overcame Gemini, banishing him back to the shadows. Hoff's victory was a statement of resilience, showcasing his ability to withstand psychological warfare.

Latoya Hixx vs. John Blade:
Latoya Hixx boldly called out John Blade, igniting the sparks of an epic feud. Her accusation of Blade being a "true bastard" has set the stage for a confrontation that promises high drama and intense action.

Casimir Laska vs. Ed Stoker:
Casimir Laska continued his reign of terror, delivering on his promise by decisively defeating Ed Stoker. Laska's presence grows ever more menacing, making him a formidable force in IIW.

FWO's Triumphant Return:
The FWO made a stunning return at Explosion, reminding everyone of their dominance and legacy within the company. Their reappearance has injected new energy and nostalgia into the IIW landscape.

John Cavanagh vs. Jay Vaughan (Co-Main Event):
In a highly anticipated co-main event, John Cavanagh reclaimed his World Title from Jay Vaughan. Cavanagh's victory reinstates him as the rightful IIW World Champion, continuing his storied reign.

Triple Cage Match (Main Event):
The main event saw Crush defend his Global Title against Maverick Tatum and Jesse James in a brutal Triple Cage match. Crush emerged victorious, solidifying his status as a top champion in a match that will be remembered as one of the all-time greats in IIW history.

April 2024 Review: IIW Continues to Heat Up

The month of April brought a whirlwind of activity and excitement to Intense International Wrestling (IIW), with returning stars, escalating rivalries, and the rise of new, enigmatic threats. The build-up towards the highly anticipated Explosion PPV has set the stage for some unforgettable confrontations.

Mind Games and Returning Legends
April saw the return of another IIW legend, Jack Tyde, who wasted no time in making his presence felt. Tyde began playing mind games with the iconic TJ Alexander, stirring up a psychological warfare that left fans eagerly anticipating their inevitable clash. The tension between these two veterans has added another layer of intrigue to the already dynamic IIW landscape.

Jay Vaughan's World Title Parade
Jay Vaughan continued his controversial parade of the IIW World Title, much to the chagrin of the Celtic Club. His bold declaration of being the rightful champion has ruffled many feathers, leading to heated confrontations and setting the stage for an explosive match at the upcoming PPV. The match between Vaughan and the Celtic Club’s leader, John Cavanagh, was officially announced, promising a showdown that fans have been clamoring for.

The Reign of Casimir Laska
Newly signed star Casimir Laska began his reign of terror, creating an aura of fear and mystery around him. Laska's use of eerie imagery and a strange doll left the IIW roster on edge. His debut match was nothing short of terrifying as he quickly disposed of Jimmy Brooks. The match was so one-sided and fear-inducing that rumors circulated about Brooks possibly wetting himself in sheer terror. Laska's psychological tactics and dominance in the ring have marked him as a formidable and unsettling presence in IIW.

Key Highlights
Jack Tyde vs. TJ Alexander: The mind games between these two veterans have set the stage for a highly anticipated clash, with Tyde using every trick in the book to get inside Alexander's head.

Jay Vaughan vs. John Cavanagh: The official announcement of their match at Explosion has intensified the rivalry, with Vaughan's flaunting of the World Title continuing to provoke the Celtic Club.

Casimir Laska's Debut: Laska’s dismantling of Jimmy Brooks and his use of psychological terror have established him as a major threat, creating a buzz of fear and curiosity among the roster and fans alike.

Looking Ahead
With April's events setting the stage, the IIW universe is primed for a thrilling Explosion PPV. The rivalries are reaching a boiling point, and the anticipation for the upcoming matches is at an all-time high. As the roster prepares for what's to come, the fans can expect even more high-stakes drama, intense action, and unforgettable moments in the weeks ahead.

Match 2024

March 2024 Review: IIW Season 7 Kickoff
The month of March marked a thrilling return for Intense International Wrestling (IIW) as Season 7 began, bringing back a host of familiar faces and introducing promising new talent. The excitement and energy were palpable as the IIW universe geared up for a season filled with intense rivalries, dramatic comebacks, and jaw-dropping matches.

Returning Stars and New Talent
IIW saw the return of several marquee names, including John Tolly, Ryan McCann, Justin York, Clyde Newton, and Crush. Their presence instantly reignited the passion of the fans and set the stage for unforgettable showdowns. Alongside these veterans, new stars such as Hellbreaker and Reynold LeFavre debuted, eager to make their mark in the storied promotion.

The Global Title Picture
The quest for the IIW Global Title began with a high-stakes match between Clyde Newton, Crush, and Curtis. The initial bout ended in controversy with a double pin, leaving the title's fate unresolved. However, Crush emerged victorious in the decisive rematch against Clyde Newton on the next Mayhem, claiming the coveted Global Title. Clyde Newton, however, would disappear from the scene, leaving fans wondering about his next move.

Major Signings and Feuds
IIW continued to bolster its roster with the signing of significant talents like Casimir Laska, adding more depth and excitement to the lineup. The landscape of IIW began to shift dramatically with the return of Jay Vaughan, who declared himself the true World Champion, igniting a classic feud with the last recognized World Champion, John Cavanagh.

Dominance and Rivalries
Liechenberg showcased his dominance by obliterating Ed Stoker, reaffirming his position as a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile, Hellbreaker secured a crushing victory over Michael Hunter, only to be ambushed post-match by Andre Cash, setting the stage for a heated rivalry.

The James Gang also made their long-awaited return, with Jesse James quickly asserting himself as a contender for the World Championship. His presence added another layer of competition and intrigue to the title scene.

Championship Developments
In a notable moment, Jack Me Hoff captured the TV Championship and promptly rechristened it as the Brazzers Championship, a move that sparked controversy and conversation among the fans and the locker room alike.

Maverick Tatum's Ambition
The month concluded with the dramatic return of Maverick Tatum. Announcing his intent to cash in his Key 2 Success option, Tatum declared his challenge against Crush for the World Championship at the upcoming Explosion PPV. This announcement set the stage for what promises to be an epic clash, as Tatum aims to dethrone the reigning champion.

Tyler Debonair was back on the scene here trying to inflict revenge against his father Fred Debonair who had caused him so much pain over the last few months, We saw the arrival of former IIW Superstar Harpinder Singh as he announced his return from India to compete back in the IIW.

We saw another title change as John Tolly took the uprising title off the hands of Robert Ace who has since not been seen.

Things were getting a bit confusing for the IIW viewers as adverts were being shown for the Stone Age that was coming, there was a lot of gossip around this but it later turned out to be new superstar Max Stone who debuted in victorious fashion.

Scotty Adams run as IIW TV Champ came to an end as he was defeated by Caleb Scott and took another leave of absence.

After a year and a half of toiling in the mid card, it was Anthony Tudor’s time to come good all of a sudden as the ONCOMING STORM was revealed to be the latest client of Bob Mitchell this instantly changed his luck as he won his next match in convincing fashion.

PG13 came out on top against Crush in a ladder match for the ECE Title which was defending on IIW for the first time.

In the main event, mayhem and confusion occurred once again with neither Jon Cavanagh or Justin York able to claim the world title, the title… continued to be Vacant.

JULY 2022
July saw Osh Vaughan begin to make his big changes as he promoted Shaun Hart to Chief of Operations to start running the IIW in his absence, this created more power for the CCPE as their numbers began to grow.

The Crush and PG13 saga began as well with their first face off. Shaun Hart announced there would be an elimination chamber match for the IIW Championship at the next PPV and the contenders began to slowly reveal themselves in qualifying matches.

Robert Ace continued his run in the IIW by upsetting Uprising Champion El Landerson to get his first taste of gold in the IIW.

Finally in a shocking turn due to an accidently workplace accident Russell Wayne suffered a broken leg at the hands of Curtis and Bam Miller and had to vacate the World Title!

JUNE 2022
June started with World’s Collide PPV and a lot of things were on stake at this event.

El Landerson was made the first ever IIW Uprising champion having won a battle royal to open the event signifying his first title victory in the federation. A big name entered the equation in Caleb Scott who made his debut with a swift victory.

A Man with a chip on his shoulder made his debut seeing off Anothony Phoenix, this man was PG-13 who immediately expressed his hatred and heated past that he had with UK Champion Crush. Bam Miller and Jay Vaughan began their lengthy feud with their first match of the series with Bam Miller coming off on top.

Jonny C’s run as the second IIW World champion came to an end this month as Russell Wayne became the first new member of the IIW to pick up the IIW World Title.

Finally in the World Collide’s match there was mischief and mayhem and chaos and capitulations as Osh Vaughan finally got the job done and regained control of the IIW!

MAY 2022
Bam Miller bounced back from his loss by picking on the biggest guy he could find in the IIW this happened to be the legend that is Adam The Monster, the two of these smashed up arenas, hospitals and car parks as they went toe to toe with Bam Miller fully battering the gentle hungry giant. This gained the attention of Jay Vaughan who came out to avenge him.

Osh continued his assault on trying to get his company back by challenging Jenny Fletcher to a match at world’s collide, his team vs Jenny’s team with the winner having sole control of IIW and if Osh’s team lost, he would NEVER be seen in the IIW again.

Scotty Adams made his return from his hiatus and set up straight away on getting his TV Title back by challenging TJ Alexander as he continued to scout him and watch him defend his title.

Chris Page faced off against Crush becoming the first one to inflict a defeat on him and beginning a streak of his own.

Russell Wayne finally sought revenge against John Tolly following his brutal match as he put him down in an I Quit match, while Brandon Hendrix finally cashed in his Key for a shot at Jonny C… Jonny C convincingly put Brandon in his place and unfortunately this saw the end of Brandon Hendrix in the IIW once again.

APRIL 2022
CCPE Took the tag team titles answering the open challenge of Team Friendship ending their months long reign, and straight away they faced competition from the new challengers Debonair Inc, this looked to be a massive match with the two outsiders looking to take on two of the best from IIW once more.

Osh announced what he had been planning and it was the beginning of the VAUGHAN SUPREMECY as he announced the returning IIW Superstars Jason Fenix, Rixton Ruin and Sean Raines!

Sean Raines was very quick to remind what type of person he was as he quickly claimed the IIW Hardcore title and was constantly involved in the battles with the likes of Adam Williams, John Tolly, Sebastian Hamilton to name a few.

TJ Alexander continued his resurgence b y winning the TV Title at KKND, he was offered the opportunity to join the Vaughan Supremacy but this was an option he turned down to continue on his own path.

CCPE were able to defend their titles at the PPV with the surprise of Fred turning on his son Tyler and joining up with Team CCPE to get the job done!

In the main event, Jonny C managed to outlast Bam Miller and Russell Wayne in another classic main event.

At the end though there was a shock when John Tolly turned on Russell Wayne holding up his international title as a sign of his future intent.

MARCH 2022
March started with Osh Vaughan making a surprise reappearance as he confronted his former wife Jenny Fletcher telling her how he needed his company back and he was willing to do anything to get that opportunity. He threatened ‘Option B’ whatever that was in order to get control but Jenny Fletcher still wouldn’t budge.

John Tolly having quit Team Hollywood was approached by Curtis and Russell to join Team Friendship a offer he gladly took up strengthening the bond between all three of them.

Continuing the never ending feud Bam Miller beat Blade Alexander and Fred Debonair in order to get a shot at Jonny C for the world title, he’d been the man who proved he could do it before, could he do it again?

March also saw the debut of Justin York a young kid with a lot to say, introducing his casino led lifestyle to the IIW and obviously his glamourous wife Stacey.

But Russell Wayne would be the first to step up and challenge Jonny C in a title vs title match, Jenny Fletcher put the breaks on this before it could start.

March would also see the announcement that CCPE Chis Page and Thaddeus Duke would be joining up to challenge for the tag titles.

February saw the debut of Crush and my god did he make an impact absolutely destroying Nick Hart in his first match and setting the tone for a long undefeated streak that he would go on in the coming months, he really put the IIW on notice from the very first minute.

Joining him in the new arrivals was Robert Ace who would make a stand against The Oncoming Storm Anthony Tudor on debut delivering another painful blow to the Storm.

The Second Annual Key 2 Success match got underway and proved just as exciting and eventful as the first one with the entrance of the first female to wrestle in the Mayhem event.. Alessia Capello! It ran out with the returning Brandon Hendrix picking up the First Key and a future shot at the world champion Jonny C, while Anthony Phoenix got his hands back on the beloved TV Title.

Russell Wayne succeeded in finally ending the great International title reign of Jon Cavanagh and in the process becoming the first ever triple champion in the IIW!

Finally in the K2S Main event Jonny C showed that beating Jake was no fluke as he took out and defeated Tyler Debonair in a true IIW Classic.

January started with tension mounting against Bob Mitchell as the Netflix contract was going to the end and COO Of Netflix Greg Peters was on a warpath to make sure things at the IIW improved in 2022.

We also had Jonny C announcing his championship in style, knowing he would face Tyler Debonair as the new number one contender.

With a new year and a new start there were big wins for the likes of TJ Alexander, Scotty Adams and Ethan Rivers as they all looked to make this year their personal best, Jon Cavanagh continued his impressive International title reign while The James Gang made a reappearance dropping their former gimmick and advancing in the tag titles tournament.

The Biggest shock came out when Bob Mitchell relinquished control of the IIW to the former wife of Osh Vaughan, Jenny Fletcher, bringing back the FWO after a 20 year absence in the guise of the new and improved PC McGhee and Stabby Joe, showing that Bob Mitchell had outsmarted Greg Peters and now he and Jenny had full control of the IIW with NOTHING they could do about it.

January also saw the fall of Team Hollywood the final kick being when John Tolly quit the group in dramatic fashion telling Shaun Hart just where he could go!

May 2021

May saw the launch of the IIW's 3rd show First Class, honrouring the legacy of First Class Pro Wrestling which President Mac had sold to Osh. This saw an influx of amazing talent coming over such as Fiona Harris, Vic Mckenzie, The Celtic Club, The Syndicate, Eron Hunter and many more, they all started making their mark on the federation with especially Queen Victoria continuining her path of destruction.

The climax of the IIW Control happened at World's Collide in a bloody battle that saw Bob Mitchell take control after Jay Vaughan submitted meaning Osh Vaughan was taken away from the IIW for the first time in it's history.

We saw the continuation of the growth of the likes of Rogue and Tyler Debonair who both defended their respected titles and marched towards that record of 9-0 for the longest undefeated reign in the IIW.

Donny Allen was announced and inducted into the IIW Hall Of Fame, but that wasn't the end of it he made himself known after Jake E Dangerously retained against Scotty Adams at World's COllide and challenged him to a match, this would be Donny's first match in 7 years!

Stoner and Chris Nitro had their blow off match at World's Collide with Chris Nitro taking the victory in possibly one of the most bizarre matches you'll ever see! But we believe that might be the end of fight forever in their case!

The ending to World's Collide has posed many questions for June though, as Ryan Hawkins took all out, Bam Miller goes from strength to strength with his feud with Jonny C and how will the IIW run under Bob Mitchells control?

April 2021

April really saw the build to World’s Collide continue, Osh Vaughan and Bob Mitchell were constantly at each other, no doubt egged on by Connor Briggs medalling, it was really making the offices of IIW not a fun place to be around! Wrestler’s were getting attacked left right and centre, as Osh and Bob instructed their team mates to do whatever they could to take out the other team. This all lead to the shocking announcement by Connor that the 4 on 4 match at World’s collide would in fact be….WARGAMES! and not only that, it would be for the right to run the IIW!

Bam Miller was possibly the breakout superstar of this month, his determination and give no fucks attitude really caught the attention of all the upper echelon! Osh Vaughan granted Bam his match against IIW Legend Jonny C, a match no one gave Bam any chance of winning, he shocked everyone with his performance and came so close to actually pinning Jonny C, he did however gain a bit of respect from Jonny C and even earnt an invitation to team Bob Mitchell!

Rogue continued his crusade on the IIW divisions, reigning supreme as the TV Champion he has now ascended to No.1 In the IIW Rankings! What an achievement! Currently standing at 4-0, there is no doubt this streak can go on for a lot longer!

Chris Nitro and Ryan Hawkins conquered the IIW Tag Team division as well, besting The Commander and Blade Alexander in the final with a little interference from Team Osh Vaughan, who took our all 3 Members of Team Bob. Chris and Ryan as The Purge though are setting the bar high and looking for a dominant reign in IIW as Tag Champs

The International Title tournament, possibly the biggest tournament IIW has ever held has seen 32 superstars whittled down to just 8 competitors, we will shortly be finding out who will be taking home the gold.

The battle of the Keys To Success began as Scotty Adams facing off against Russell Wayne for the ability to unlock their opportunity first. It was Scotty Adams that came out on top in this encounter and he took no time in deciding to challenge Jake E Dangerously for the World title at World’s collide!

No one is really sure what happened here but Stoner and Chris Nitro just don’t seem to like each other, whether this started over a spilled frappachino or if their issues go much further than that, these two really seem to enjoy beating the crap out of each other at every opportunity given!

Finally the bombshell was dropped that IIW’s sister federation FCPW would be closing down, an agreement was struck between Osh Vaughan and President Mac which saw all the FCPW Talent come and join the IIW, we look forward to seeing them dominate the federation come May!

March 2021

March really may be seen as the month that the IIW really went from strength to strength! The momentum has kept rolling within the IIW and the Roster has blossomed to over 40 members!

Some of the new members to the federation have made massive impacts already, none more so than Scotty Adams and Russell Wayne, the two of them were able to best 6 of the top IIW Talents in order to win the Key 2 Success Match at the KKND PPV earning themselves future shots at an IIW Title of their choosing!

Ryan McCann’s winning streak was also cut short by newcomer Tyler Debonair as the Pure one was stopped short of vanquishing the IIW of the eccentric and eclectic members of the roster

The big event of IIW was really the KKND PPV, which saw the blow off of the rivalry for the ages…14 Years in the making… Jonny C and Jake E Dangerously fighting over the IIW World title, Jake E Dangerously was just about successful getting over the finishing line after Jonny C managed to kick out of the Dangerous Liaison, Jake finally managed to put him away digging so deep into his arsenal he had to use Jonny’s own move against him to score the pinfall.

Anthony Phoenix finally finished his arc of redemption coming back to win the IIW TV Title after being costed by Commander earlier in the months, beating Benz in the process, Benz obvious fame had gone to his head and was not prepared for what Anthony had in store for him culminating in him losing the TV Title!

The Legends title was officially brought on board when Dan Distoner was handed the title from Osh Vaughan, despite this and multiple nut shots, Dan is reigning high in the IIW with the legends title especially following his gruesome grudge match against IIW Commish Chino and IIW Alum Jason Myers.

The biggest controversy that followed the IIW was the way Osh has been behaving and spending money, as a result Connor Briggs was instated by Netflix to keep an eye on proceedings and he straight away got involved in the action, booking Osh Vaughan’s team to face off against Bob Mitchells team at World’s Collide… a 4 on 4 Wargames match with a lot on the line!

March really can be seen as the month of factions as well, with Ryan Hawkins siding with Bob Mitchell and Co, then the formation of Revolution X, The James Gang and The Regulation, there are many battles ahead for the IIW Teams!

February 2021

Wrestling businesses have become a very popular model for Streaming companies, based off the success of Peacock picking up the WWE Network, Netflix were looking to get into the same market, looking for opportunities out there to expand. Where better they thought than to pick up the glorious IIW, Osh Vaughan if slightly erratic has always been a great businessman. Working with his team they managed to get Netflix to sign off on the exclusive streaming contract and from there IIW was Reborn!

With the wealth of finances afforded to the IIW with Osh was instantly able to contract back top stars such as Jake E Dangerously, Commander, Anthony Phoenix and Dan Distoner to name a few. Last minute plans meant that Jason Fenix signed up but couldn’t commit and was agreed to go on hiatus very early on. Jonny C of course came back with his lifetime contract he signed in the IIW Glory days.

Osh announced the official return with the IIW Lockdown Knockout tournament, while heavy favourites Jonny C and Jake E Dangerously have made the final, there have been plenty of controversies along the way… The Commander was revealed to be the man who took out Anthony Phoenix, with these two men destined to fight for the right to face our inaugural TV champion Benz at the KKND PPV

Many new faces have come along the way as well looking key to make their mark, Alexander Blake, Ryan Hawkins, Chris Nitro and Rogue have been heavily involved in a vicious fight for the IIW Hardcore title, making it look like the new blood of the IIW are here to write themselves into the history books

The last Mayhem of the month saw exactly that as Bob Mitchell announced the return of the Undefeated Blade Alexander to the IIW as well as watching things spice up after Osh’s nephew Jay Vaughan was caught on camera breaking and entry, tensions sure are rising between Osh and Bob, watch this space!

As previously mentioned If there is anything you can say about Osh, is that he is eccentric and he proved that in classic Osh style by spinning a wheel to decide who would be the new Commissioner of IIW, rumours are the Netflix officials looked on in shock as it was revealed the hardcore Icon Chino would be the commissioner… Not known for his professionalism, he has already got involved and began his abuse of power as he brought Jason Myers with him to start making Dan Distoners life hell!

Finally the infamous Adam Bradley made his return at the end of the month and is already involved in an interesting dynamic with newcome Anthony Tudor as they look to tag together, could this be a future partnership?

June 2017

June saw the launch of the first ever IIW Womens division inspired by Kurt Stevens looking keen to put his mark on the IIW in the short time he had here, it started with an Womens Invitational where Lilah O'Reily was quick to show dominance and win the title, unfortunately she lost it the next event to Ryleigh Ruin.

Kurt was quick to instill Michael Hunter as the number one contender for the IIW World Title but based off the stipulation that he must NOT be pinned until he faces Shawn Taylor at Make Or Break, this started well avoiding the pin at Mayhem against Rixton Ruin before long term aquitance and former leader of the Franchise Jason Fenix returned and put Michael down for the 3 count. This sent Michael Hunter into a fit of rage resulting in returning to the bottle and falling on bad times, as we ended the month, Michael found himself homeless and bumped into former IIW Tag Team Team B.U.M Stabby Joe and PC McGhee.

The IIW Tag team titles were collected by Jonny C and Shawn Taylor as they beat the now imploded Calidus for the titles, building onto which we saw the biggest shocker of the month as it was revealed that Curtis Vaughan wasn't actually Osh's kid...and even more... he belonged to Jonny C

May 2017

May saw IIW host their first PPV back Red Alert, this was a major success selling in excess of 500,000 buys confirming IIW’s return to the limelight, the fans still wanted what the IIW had to offer. Justice Reigns came to the IIW putting his name in the lights as he got off to a great start winning his debut. It was also time for another IIW 2nd Generation star to turn up with Drayden Fields joining up and quickly emulating his father winning his first two matches and his debut match at the PPV setting up a feud with his fathers old running buddy Sean Raines.

Blood was definitely on the order in May as Osh Vaughan ended up being put in hospital twice by Dillan Singh who was eventually victorious in their BIT match at the PPV, but the big twist came when Donny Allen made his return after 7 years away from the IIW taking out Dillan after the match and they look to renew their 10 year old rivalry.

Michael Hunter also made his glorious return and the former IIW World Champion has taken no time to take out names taking out 4 men so far including the one off return for IIW Hall of Famer Kade Ortega.

Jonny C finally got retribution on Calidus, the 2nd generation team consisting of Chase Durden, Corey Steele and Curtis Vaughan as he defeated Curtis and fended off the attack from all 3 members, but surely this is only starting, it has a long way to go.

Finally IIW Crowned an IIW World Champion in Shawn Taylor, Shawn finally reaching the promised land is the thing dreams are made off, 10 years after his debut this is a great feat and we look forward to what Shawn has to deal with.

The last shocker was Kurt Stevens returning to the IIW taking control while Osh is Incapacitated and Alex Connor MIA. June will see what Kurt has in store for the IIW

April 2017

April was the first full month back and was when the IIW really began to click into second gear, the first shows went off without a hitch apart from the unfortunate walkout by Jake E Dangerously, unhappy that Osh hadn’t changed his ways and was fed up of the bullshit he would put his wrestlers through. Many more returning talents began to emerge, but not all as they remembered Hardcore Legend Sahib returned after a 7 year absence but now working under his real name of Dillan Singh, he had changed, he was no longer the hardcore icon he used to loved but a pure wrestling enthusiast, this didn’t sit well with Osh Vaughan who wanted Sahib’s death defying stunts in order to help get back a crowd that used to pay just to watch Sahib cut himself open. Jonny C also wasn’t pandering himself well to the crowd as he got on Osh’s bad side and was constantly dealing with outside interference as he got constantly attacked by two masked men, one of which was later revealed to be Osh’s son Curtis.

April also saw the month in by appointing their first two champions in the International Champion Corey Steele, son of IIW Alumni Mark Steele and the IIW TV Champion Sean Raines, claiming his first belt in the IIW.

As well as the returning IIW Stars we also saw the beginning of the new era with new talents such as Lance Lewis, Geeno Steels, Rixton Ruin and Starr sign up to participate. One in particular Dan DiStoner has had it in for Chino this whole month taking him out at various points after losing their first match, It turns out Chino and Dan DiStoner have a vast history outside of the IIW spanning 10 years, it can only be good for the fans that these two still won't let their differences settle and are continuing the FIGHT TO THE DEATH here in the IIW. These two will meet at the IIW First PPV in May where there will be NODQ.

March 2017

On the 20th March 2017 it was announced by Osh Vaughan that the big return of the IIW was happening, it had been a long 5 years since the IIW last closed its doors, it was assumed that Osh’s passion for the business had dwindled. IIW Co-Commentator Mike Fisher though had moved on and was busy with his new project, raising Osh’s son Curtis. Mike had trained Curtis Vaughan and had sent him to the LCW in order to have his first real shot at Wrestling gold. Mike though knowing how new Curtis Vaughan was to the game had called in a favour in the form of the last ever IIW World Champion Jonny C to look after him. The two competed in the LCW which had got Osh’s interest while he monitored how is favoured Son and his favoured wrestling compadre were getting on. He noticed how things weren’t done to his standard, and slowly that clock started ticking in his head, could he still do it, could his empire be rebuilt.

Osh organised the [ IIW Reunion party ] and quickly sent out all the invites to all the famous names of yesteryear. Osh thought getting all the talent back under the impression of a reunion would be the best opportunity to announce his plan, the return of the IIW. This all went to plan with the IIW relaunching and quickly flying up to 15 active wrestlers as Osh began the return of the IIW.

Events in the past.

2007-12-23 at 10:47 PM - Osh Vaughan
IIW was created in 2004 but was brought back in March 2007 as Osh teamed back up with his old staff for one last push e-fed wise. The fed has been mildly succesful at times htting Roster peaks of 40. Now though it is a tough time as the winter colds have meant a few people have had to take some time off from the IIW, but the IIW will fight on as ALWAYS!

January 2008[b]
January kicked off with a bang in the IIW with possibly one of the best shows in the history of the IIW to date! Ending with James Morgan reverting to his former persona Heat as well as he return of Chill Factor as ICE returns after his 5 month absense.

[b]December 2007
December saw the return of the legend that is Heat now competing under his real name James Morgan, James made a quick start to the fed picking up quick dominating victories propelling him back into the main event scene with an unknown guy stalking Jake E this set up the main event for the PPV; Up in Smoke, as the last show went off air it was revealed the mystery guy was Jonny C, and even more that the cops arrest Matt Studs for the attempted murder of Rob Owens. At the monthly PPV Jonny C came back on his return to the IIW and finally won the IIW World Title for the first time, ending Jake E Dangerously's record breaking 90 day title run. Also in a shocking twist Rob Owen handed over his stake in the IIW to Kurt Stevens.

November 2007
This was to be a big month in the federation for Benz as Justin Pyrex apparently fed up with all the brutal attacks that were happening and annoyed that his 11% Of The Company didnt give him as much power as he wanted decided to hand his shares over to Benz, moving Benz from rags to ritches, Benz caught up in the success unfortunatly then proceeded to accept a challenge from Rob Owens and CDD for a Poker game for the IIW Stakes which Osh Vaughan then got involved in. The end result was a shocker with Rob Owens winning 22% of the IIW but then the even bigger twist was when Osh went all in with 22% of his share against Rob Owens new found 22% share and lost again giving Rob Owens a holding stake of IIW. All was good till later that night as Jake E Dangerously defeated Sam Hessingstock as Rob Owens was taken out in a vicious hit and run attack, but who did it?

October 2007
October saw Jake E Dangerously claim the IIW World title for the first time at IIW Redemption, meanwhile Justin Pyrex began the seperation process in the IIW as he recruited several key IIW Members to be part of the CWA faction that was breaking apart the IIW a the seems, this case wasnt helped by the fact that Sean Raines and RT Kraven had shown up as the XCA and were doing their best to mix things up as well. Jake defeated Jonny C, Sam Hessingstock and Donny Allen in the federation which was to be Donny Allens last match with the IIW bringing down the curtain on a great 6 month run in the federations IIW/CWA. Jonny C meanwhile was suspended due to his CWA contacts as the first signs of the CWA crack began to happen

September 2007
Osh returned with the IIW after purchasing just about all the IIW Shares off the Shareholders taking Osh's current holding to 89%. It looked like it would be plain sailing for Osh back in his familiar role untill Justin Pyrex the former CWA owner resurfaced with an announcement; He had purchased the IIW Shares

August 2007
James winters was installed as the CEO of the IIW as it entered another month and another month of instability, unfortunatly James Winters offended several people high up which resulted in the loss of the IIW's TV Contract. Due to this the company shut up doors again. This left the company with Hitman the last remaining champion.

July 2007
July was the month that Jason Fenix and Micheal Hunter really made a dominating impact, Jason already the World Champ teamed up with Micheal Hunter to capture the Tag Team titles where as Micheal Hunter also captured the Xtreme Titles. During this time as well Rob Owens was taken out of the company with other things on his plate, he was therefore replaced by Nathan Wisdom and Frankie Ronson. During this time Osh managed to claim the Hardcore Title and then was subsequently suspended by the IIW Board Of Directors for the abuse of power. This left Frankie Ronson and Nathan Wisdom in control to take the fed into a small break.

June 2007
Osh banished Rich Easton from the federation after kicking him out after he found Rich to be abusing his powers backstage, it was seen as a positive move for Osh as a lot of people had been critical of Osh's moves so he swept hard to remove Rich Easton the one man who could remove him. This month saw the debut of many great IIW Stars but one made a major impact and discovered a cult like status with the IIW Fans, Adam The Monster. Rob Owens meanwhile had managed to replace Rich Easton in the federation as the CEO and had began making trouble for Osh.

May 2007-
Osh was reinstated as the IIW President by the Board Of Directors due to his IIW Holding stake of 10%, But on the first night back Osh was shocked by the Board Of Directors announcement that Rich Easton had been appointed Co-President due to the Board not trusting Osh after last times failings. Meanwhile Rob Owens made a sly return to the IIW lurking around backstage with his friend Max Hatred. The month ended with Jason Fenix winning a 20 man battle royal in order to become the first IIW World Champion of the new federation.

Info for April and March are Missing unfortunatly