Since the return of IIW we've done a lot of Cameos, I thought I would put them all together in one location for everyone to see

Damien Sandow
We use Damien Sandow to hype our PPV World's Collide acting as Netflix Rep Connor Briggs

When Rogue succesfully made it to No.1 In the IIW Rankgs I commissioned Raven to give him a celebratory message but instead he spent most of the time saying I wasn't real!

This is a hard watch.. Melina didn't quite get what I wanted, I wanted her to announce the IIW Women's division...but she made a balls of it

The Blue Meanie
To Hype the big face off for the world title of Jake E Dangerously vs Jonny C for the IIW World title, we got the Blue Meanie to hype this up acting as IIW Combat star Bobbi 2 Secondi

Jonny C was nice enough to get this one for me for my birthday, even if it did slag my running of the fed off!

Damien Sandow
We use Damien Sandow to hype our PPV World's Collide acting as Netflix Rep Connor Briggs

When Rogue succesfully made it to No.1 In the IIW Rankgs I commissioned Raven to give him a celebratory message but instead he spent most of the time saying I wasn't real!

This is a hard watch.. Melina didn't quite get what I wanted, I wanted her to announce the IIW Women's division...but she made a balls of it

The Blue Meanie
To Hype the big face off for the world title of Jake E Dangerously vs Jonny C for the IIW World title, we got the Blue Meanie to hype this up acting as IIW Combat star Bobbi 2 Secondi

Jonny C was nice enough to get this one for me for my birthday, even if it did slag my running of the fed off!